Help save the Providence Warm Water Therapy Pool

In the Oregonian, dated June 19th, an article appeared in the “Metro Section” announcing the possible closure of the Providence Portland Therapy Pool. We at the pool are fighting to help keep the lifesaving aquatic pool open to anyone with chronic pain, fibromyalgia, arthritis, pre and post surgeries, strokes, paralysis, and those sufferingwith other medical issues. (Click Continue reading… below to for link to petition.) The pool also helps with flexibility and mobility. The physical and emotional benefits are indescribable. Our wheelchair bound people can walk again–underwater–with flotation devices and weight belts to prevent muscles from deteriorating. This pool offers a lift to get you into the pool which is most importantfor those unable to walk into the pool. The warm water therapy pool is 92 degrees. The 92 degree water is important for healing and relaxing the muscles.

The following classes are open to the public with medical needs: Ai Chi Class, The Arthritis Foundation Aquatic Program, Gentle Pace Pool Program, Independent Pool Program, Osteoporosis Pool Program, Prenatal Water Exercise, Senior Water Fitness, Providence Starfish (parent and child 6 months to 36 months), along with the Providence Child Center Program. If anyone is interested in any of these classes please call 503-215-6301 for further information. We need everyone’s support to help stop the closure of our warm water pool. The warm water pools in the Portland area are closing down. Most of the other community and private pools are 81 to 86 degrees.

Please send your letters in support of the Providence Portland Therapy Pool to:
Mr. Theron Park
Chief Executive
Providence Portland Medical Center
4805 NE Glisan Street
Portland OR 97213-2967

There is an online petition you can sign by going to Google or Bing:
Providence Portland Pool Petition
Petition to keep pool open
At the present time we have over 700 signatures. (See updates in comments below)

Another way we can get information out to the public to help support
our cause–you can send e-mails or letters to The Oregonian:
or mail to:
The Oregonian
Commentary Letter to the Editor
1320 SW Broadway
Portland OR 97201

If you can help, or have further ideas, please e-mail:

Thanks everyone for your support.

(Submitted by Carol.)


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