At the September 2012 meeting, the consensus was that the ad policy drafted at the August 2, 2012 meeting was not a finished product as it was thought to be too restrictive. The Board wants a policy that will help the Communications Committee do their fantastic work on the paper, giving support in raising ad money and also in dealing with controversial ads. This is how the policy was drafted:
North Tabor Neighborhood Association’s Board will not permit at any time the placement of any advertising for illegal or objectionable products. Advertising must not contain fraudulent, deceptive, or offensive material, including material that misrepresents, ridicules, or attacks an individual or group on the basis of age, color, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or handicap. Advertising must not be related to any of the following: alcohol, firearms, ammunition, fireworks, gambling, pornography, promotion of a political candidate, or tobacco. We reserve the right to review and approve or reject, with refund, any ad.