$21,603 Available in Neighborhood Small Grants

SE Uplift Neighborhood Coalition and the Office of Neighborhood Involvement (ONI) announce the 7th year of the Neighborhood Small Grants Program. $21,603 is available to neighborhood and community-based grant projects in the SE Uplift coalition area.  The grant application deadline is Monday, November 5th, 2012 – 4PM. Grant proposals will clearly describe how the partnership-driven project will help neighborhood and community organizations to build livable, equitable, and sustainable neighborhoods and communities for all by meeting one or more of the following goals:
•    Build community
•    Attract new and diverse members
•    Sustain current volunteers and members
Eligible applicants are: 
•    Neighborhood associations
•    Community-based organizations
•    Grassroots community groups
In addition to building livable, equitable, and sustainable neighborhoods and communities – applicants must partner with one or more of the following: (1) neighborhood associations; (2) organizations predominantly led by people from historically under-engaged communities including communities of color, elders, immigrants and refugees, youth, people with disabilities and lesbian, gay, bi and trans communities; and/or (3) business associations or individual businesses in order to be considered for a Neighborhood Small Grant.
Grants will be awarded through a competitive process and will be reviewed by a community-based grant selection committee comprised of coalition, neighborhood and community-based organizational representatives. We are currently seeking interested community members to serve on the Grant Selection Committee. Learn more about committee member obligations and requirements here.
For more information on the SE Uplift/ONI Neighborhood Small Grant program, please visit:www.southeastuplift.org/content/NSG_program
Blythe Pavlik, SE Uplift Neighborhood Coalition
503 232-0010, x321


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