NE Glisan Safety Project meeting – Monday, April 22

NE Glisan Safety Project meeting – Monday, April 22

3LaneConceptSince 2003, 301 people have been injured and two have died in crashes on NE Gilsan between 60th and 82nd Avenue. On July 10, 2007, a pedestrian was struck and killed while attempting to cross NE Glisan at 64th. Most recently, on January 29, 2013 a pedestrian was struck and killed while attempting to cross NE Glisan at 78th.
In response to these tragic crashes, nearby residents, businesses, churches, schools, and the Montavilla Neighborhood Association asked the city to improve safety on the street. The Portland Bureau of Transportation and Portland Police Bureau assembled a team to investigate the most recent crash and to identify potential changes that could make NE Glisan safer.
On February 25, 2013 the Bureau of Transportation led a public meeting with the support of the Portland Police to discuss potential safety improvements on NE Glisan. Everyone who had contacted the City regarding the January 2013 crash was invited. The meeting was well attended. Those present expressed significant concern about safety on NE Glisan, including concerns about speeding and the safety of pedestrians crossing the street. Many voiced specific concerns regarding the crossing at 78th. You can view the Transportation Bureau’s presentation at this meeting online by visiting
On April 22, 2013 there will be a second public meeting to discuss strategies to improve safety on NE Glisan between NE 60th and 82nd Avenues. Staff from the Bureau of Transportation will share data about traffic flow, parking demand, and pedestrian travel in the corridor at the meeting. In addition, Transportation staff will present specific safety strategies for public feedback.
You are invited to attend this meeting. More detailed information will be available there.
Date: Monday, April 22
Location: Montavilla Methodist Church, 232 SE 80th Avenue, Portland, OR 97215
Time: 7-8:30pm
Questions? Contact Gabriel Graff at 503.823.5291 or


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