Transportation Work Group FIRST Meeting April 10th!

Transportation Work Group FIRST Meeting April 10th!

ProvTrafficThis is a notification of the first Transportation Work Group (TWG) meeting.  For those who may not know, the TWG is a group that was established in the Good Neighbor Agreement between North Tabor, Laurelhurst and Providence Portland Medical Center.  The TWG gets down to the nuts and bolts of the transportation issues facing our neighborhoods, how Providence plays into those issues, and what the best solutions look like.  Unlike the Standing Committee of the Good Neighbor Agreement, that has a limited number of representatives from the three entities in the GNA, the TWG can include representatives from businesses, other neighborhoods, city bureaus, organizations, really anyone who has an interest in the transportation issues around the Providence campus housed in North Tabor neighborhood.  Sound like it might be something you would like to work on, come check out the first meeting!

When: Wednesday, April 10th at 6:30pm – 8pm

Where: Portland Police Bureau’s SE Office, 4735 E Burnside

What: We will be reviewing the Good Neighbor Agreement, particularly the section that establishes and gives direction to the TWG. We will distinguish what projects the TWG will work on and which may be best tackled in the neighborhood association themselves. We can identify projects of priority and establish later meeting times and locations.



Review Good Neighbor Agreement

Identify Priority Project(s)

Outline and/or Finalize Next Meeting Time


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