June/July North Tabor News available online

June/July North Tabor News available online


This month’s North Tabor News is now available online:

June/July North Tabor News

Volunteers are still needed for delivery this weekend. If you can help, contact editor@northtabor.org with your location and how many you’d like to deliver.


One thought on “June/July North Tabor News available online

  1. This issue looks great! The colors came out great from the printer and there wound up being lots of interesting content: including painting the mural this summer, the Glisan Street Safety Project scheduled for construction in late summer, more opinions on infill and the comprehensive plan update, as well a nice color copy of North Tabor’s current zoning map.
    Contributors included Bill, Gabe, Gail, Joe, Kristen, and Rebekah. Thanks to Candice and crew for getting out the June / July issue!
    Thanks also to our advertisers! Be sure to visit them again and again and again:
    A Good Locksmith, American Dream Pizza, Dr. Robert Brant, Cox & Fidler Insurance, Cyclopedia, Falafel Hut, Laurelhurst Cafe, Remedy Massage/Chiropractic/Acupuncture, Rice & Spice, Si’s Auto Body, Sunshine on Glisan Cleaners, Laurelhurst Cafe, and Tabor Tavern.

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