Land Use notices

Land Use notices

Two land use notices were posted over the weekend by the City of Portland’s Bureau of Development Services.
One is in North Tabor (NE 52nd and Davis) and the other is bordering North Tabor (NE 50th and Hoyt – the old George Smith Appliances building).

5149 NE Davis.
Written comments need to be received by Bureau of Development Services by 5 p.m. on September 23, 2013.
ZONING: R2.5 CASE TYPE: Land Division (Partition).
PROCEDURE: Type 1x, an administrative decision with appeal to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA).
The applicant proposes to divide the existing 5,000 square foot lot into two parcels for detached single-family homes. The existing dwelling would remain on a 2,550 square foot parcel (1), with access from NE Davis Street. Modifications to the existing structure are proposed to accommodate required development standards on the reduced lot size. The 2,450-square foot Parcel 2 would be oriented to and take access from NE 52nd Avenue. Link for more information:
CASE FILE NUMBER: LU 13-167773 LDP: 5149 NE Davis

5010-5012 NE Oregon Street (adjoining North Tabor)
Written comments need to be received by Bureau of Development Services by 5 p.m. on September 6, 2013.
ZONING: EG2 General Employment 2; R5 Single-Dwelling Residential 5,000
CASE TYPE: Zoning Map Error
PROCEDURE: Type II, Administrative decision with appeal to the hearings officer.
Written comments need to be received by Bureau of Development Services by 5 p.m. on September 6, 2013.
The Bureau of Development Services is initiating a Zoning Map Error to correct the zoning on the northwest-most and southeast-most portions of this site from R5 (Single-Dwelling Residential 5,000) to EG2 (General Employment 2), thereby reflecting the existing zoning on the remainder of the ownership. This process is necessary because the current zoning line bisects existing development that has been in industrial use, and on a site that has been in common ownership since at least 1964. This zoning map error has resulted in industrial development being located in part in a Single-Dwelling Residential (R5) zone. Link for more information:
CASE FILE NUMBER: LU 13-167773 LDP: 5010-5012 NE Oregon

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