SEUL coalition Land Use and Transportation Meeting, Monday, Sept 16, 7-9pm

SEUL coalition Land Use and Transportation Meeting, Monday, Sept 16, 7-9pm

The next SE Uplift Land Use and Transportation meeting will take place on Monday, September 16, 7-9pm in the Fireside Room at 3534 SE Main. Please let me know by the end of this week if there are any items you would like to include on the agenda. Thus far, topics include:

A presentation about a recent study the housing bureau conducted
An update on the Comprehensive Plan update and the Regulatory Improvement Code Amendment Package 6

Project Updates: 20s and 50s Bikeways, Light Rail Station Area Planning, High Crash Corridors, Inner Powell Outer Division Transit Project

Many of you have also asked about the status of the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability’s District Liaison position. The position still exists, but it has not yet been filled. I have been told that the reason for the delay is because the bureau has been waiting to hear if it received a few grants it applied for before assigning work programs. I know that this has been frustrating because the position is so valuable to you as land use chairs and neighborhood leaders. I’m hoping to have an update on when we can expect to have a new District Liaison by our meeting.

Thank you,
Bob Kellett


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