Here are notes from October’s visioning event: neighbors’ concerns, hopes, and possible solutions. These notes were compiled by Ashe Urban during the event.
1. Providence not represented at NTNA meetings + Parking issues (++)
2. Infill issues (subdivided lots/ predatory developers) (+)
3. Lack of (substantial) parking requirements
4. Not enough business activity-No Main Street-No economic plan (+)
5. Lack of community involvement (renters) (+)
6. Poor road quality for bike (+)
7. Lack of community meeting spaces
8. Ped safety on Burnside and Glisan (+)
9. Lots of wasted fruit
10. Freeway on ramps (drivers are unsafe)
11. Lack of safe infrastructure for public transit
12. No left turn on 60th + Burnside
13. No safe routes to schools/parks (+)
14. Vacant commercial buildings
15. No off-leash dog parks
16. No parks
17. No active land use committee
18. Lots of sidewalk obstruction
19. Litter (Broken glass outside of businesses)
20. Wrong way stop signs on bike paths
21. Biddy’s + Copper Rooster
22. No Community Garden
23. Need improvements to Rosemount Bluffs
24. Need more representation with City!
1. Schools
2. Covering/ capping/improvements to 84 (+)
3. St. Car on Glisan
4. Cycle track on Burnside
5. More missed use buildings
6. No growth
7. Turning garages into affordable housing
8. Manage parking (Providence + Trimet) (+)
9. Street lights on residential and main streets
10. “You are here” maps (like Hawthorne)
11. Greenway to Mt. Tabor
12. Community garden/garden share (+)
13. Neighborhood identity project/main street with wide sidewalks/planters/NTNA representation (+)
14. Storytelling project
15. Park (Pocket parks/rain gardens) (+)
16. Community center (swimming pool?) (+)
17. Kitchen share
18. Tool share
19. Fruit tree project (+)
20. Neighborhood wide solar discount
21. “New” Freddies (Ped level, healthy food, less off-hour deliveries, crosswalks) (+)
22. Glisan St. Business Association (+)
23. Breakfast spots!
24. Co-op (+)
25. Mid-week farmer’s market (+)
26. Active transportation plan (+)
27. Intersection Enhancement + Mural (healing theme)
28. Traffic calming
29. Neighborhood plans
30. More events!
31. “splash pad” fountain
33. More involvement w/ other neighborhoods
34. More representation with city
1. Pocket Park!
49th and Glisan (who owns it?)
Joe Recker and other neighbors who are interested
Rain water EMWSCD grants
Sewer project on Glisan
NTNA committee
Providence involvement Positive impact/requires framework
2. Pedestrian Improvements
Crosswalk school fundsoutreach to businesse
NTNA committee?
3. Community Asset Mapping through event
What resources do we ALREADY have?
4. Intersection repair + Banfield improvements
Local artists
Attraction for cyclists
5. Transportation
Burnside/Glisan/ +parking issue
Multi-neighborhood effort
6. Neighborhood Branding
Sharing vs. asking about identity?
Movie night? Who to partner with?
Family friendly
7. Cleanup Rosemount Bluff
Core Group of volunteers
Partnership w/hands on greater Portland
Find individuals who worked on previous effort
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