December Land Use & Transportation Committee Meeting Minutes

ProvTrafficNorth Tabor Neighborhood Association
Land Use and Transportation Committee Meeting Minutes
December 3rd, 2013, Laurelhurst Cafe, 6pm

Attendees: Cathy, Gabe, Beth, Terry

1) City’s“Map App” of Comprehensive Plan zoning changes

Discussion: The group looked at the Map App online to see what short term and long term plans are in store or North Tabor from the Comprehensive Plan update process that is underway. The major zoning changes that affect the neighborhood in the short term are hospital campus zoning changes near 47th/Glisan and mixed use zoning proposed on Glisan east of 60th.

Next Steps:

Present map app at NTNA board/community in Jan, Feb or March along with a rep from Southeast Uplift and Bureau of Planning where residents can upload comments to the App online about impacts to North Tabor. Beth and Terry will place this item on a future NTNA board meeting agenda.

2) Themes from March 2013 transportation survey results & Nov 2013 NTNA board visioning meeting

Discussion: Beth and Terry gave a high level overview of what themes came out of these two documents – namely interest in enhancing 60th ave intersections at Burnside/Glisan, parking/traffic near Providence, pedestrian safety along Glisan/Burnside between 47th-75th, and other neighborhood pedestrian/bike lane improvements.

Next steps:

Explore whether there is interest from North Tabor board/neighbors to form a business committee (perhaps in coordination with Montavilla Neighborhood Association?) that could look at supporting a business association for businesses along Glisan/Burnside and to develop relationships with local businesses (e.g. Fred Meyer). Terry will place this on a future NTNA board meeting agenda
Explore whether there is interest in convening an NTNA-sponsored cultural committee comprised of local artists to work on finding funds and coordinating art projects e.g. street paintings, beautifying banfield overpass, etc; Terry will place this on a future NTNA board meeting agenda
Contact North Tabor neighbors who completed the transportation survey and invite them to land use/transportation subcommittee meetings, NTNA meetings, facebook, etc. – Cathy will look into if the survey included people’s contact info.
Explore reaching out to Center Commons Apartments to engage residents about what issues are the most important to them in the neighborhood, building off of themes that came from transportation survey and the November visioning meeting. Terry said that Krys can initially look into this.

3) Burnside high crash corridor program

Discussion: Terry provided background information on this topic and received support from subcommittee meeting participants to contact PBOT and other stakeholders to find out some initial information about the status of this project.

Next steps:
Terry will gather some initial information from stakeholders and aim to present info he finds in a January of February NTNA board meeting

4) Wrap up
The group agreed to:
Explore holding future NTNA land use and transportation subcommittee meetings in the Penumbra Kelley Building – Beth will inquire if this is possible.
Hold monthly meetings at 6pm on the first Tuesday of every month
Explore whether this subcommittee can purchase a sandwich board sign that can be posted on the sidewalk to help people find the location of future meetings. Cathy will inquire about this.


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