Land Use / Transportation Committee Meets Tues., Jan. 7

NTNA Transportation and Land Use Agenda, Tuesday, Jan 7 2014 630:8:00 at Fred Meyer Starbucks.

1) Introduction and confirming list of agenda items (5 minutes)

2) 50’s Bikeway update (2 minutes Terry)

3) The SW corner of 58th and Glisan. How far do we want to push the curb in? Is cutting through on 58th southbound to avoid 60th enough of a problem that we want to permanently prevent southbound access? This intersection is on the agenda for PGNA on Jan 8th so let us discuss. (10 minutes Terry)

4) Oregon Sidewalk Grant Update/MAX stop study and the 63rd/62nd crossing. (15 minutes Beth/Terry/Niko)

5) Glisan Road Diet Update: the pedestrian death at 117th and networking with Montavilla/Hazelwood on Glisan Safety. We should be getting a new pedestrian crossing “around 65th” this spring. Let us discuss location and what this means (interacts with #3 above so we may want to collapse the two issues after the sidewalk update is done). (15 minutes Terry)

6) Prepare draft letter from NTNA that is formally responding to the comp plan/map app (15 minutes Beth will probably go longer)

7) Burnside Safety Information update and recommendations (time dependent on interest and where we want to take it. Terry has acquired a lot of information, so let us leave this one until last).


One thought on “Land Use / Transportation Committee Meets Tues., Jan. 7

  1. Hi, with regard to the new pedestrian crossing around 65th.. I have couple thoughts..

    The crossing location should be consistent with a bus stop location. There’s bus stops at both 62nd and 65th. There may be an opportunity to consolidate into one stop and locate at the safer crossing. The bus stops are so close that I use them interchangeably. And at both stops I see people running across Glisan to catch bus. I’m sure the City will coordinate with TriMet when this happens, but hope that this is a consideration in the conversation at the neighborhood level.

    Another thought is that 63rd Ave was designated the bike boulevard access to MAX. Doesn’t necessarily mean the crossing has to be at 63rd, but it might be a good idea to coordinate. There could also be a two-way cycletrack between signalized ped crossing and 63rd? Just a thought..

    Very happy to hear that some sort of improvement is coming in that stretch!

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