North Tabor Land Use/Transportation Agenda: May 6 meeting

North Tabor Land Use and Transportation Committee Meeting
Tuesday May 6, 6:30-8pm, Glisan Fred Meyer Starbucks
All interested North Tabor residents/businesses are welcome to attend


1. Introductions and review agenda (All, 5 minutes)
2. Discuss possibilities of supporting inclusionary zoning on the statewide level on behalf of NTNA (Beth, 20 min)
3. Outreach to North Tabor residents regarding potential rezoning on Burnside/Glisan and for community engagement (Beth, Michael, 20 min)
4. Discuss scope of writing another letter on behalf of NTNA and/or other neighborhood associations regarding the comprehensive plan (Beth, 20 min)
5. General land use and transportation updates (All, 25 min)

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