Get excited about National Night Out in North Tabor – Tuesday August 5!

Get excited about National Night Out in North Tabor – Tuesday August 5!

A neighborhood National Night Out party will be taking place at the Community of Christ Church at 4837 NE Couch from 6-9pm. A limited amount of hot dogs will be available to grill and all are welcome to bring other items to grill and potluck-style salads, etc. Police and fire/rescue officers may visit and it is generally intended to be a ‘get-to-know your neighbor’ evening. Thanks to Community of Christ for sponsoring!

The Office of Neighborhood Involvement’s Crime Prevention Program is planning a kickoff party to start the countdown to the National Night Out, held this year on August 5th. The party will take place on July 10th at Laurelhurst park (see flyer, linked below). The kickoff party will also be host to the annual Crime Prevention Awards Ceremony to honor those community members throughout the city who have made their neighborhoods safer and more fun.

You can find out more about National Night Out at the main website ( and at the NNO portion of the Portland Neighborhood Involvement site ( Every year, over 20,000 Portlanders participate in neighborhood parties on National Night Out — get involved and plan a party on your block! The aforementioned sites provide support for setting up your party, and you can get help with closing your residential street to provide an open area for socializing.

Keep an eye on the NTNA website for more updates and let us know if you plan to host a party so we can share it with our neighbors.

National Night Out Fair (PDF)


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