Ride around the neighborhood and other updates

Ride around the neighborhood and other updates


Ride along with NTNA!Our Land Use and Transportation chair, Terry Dublinski-Milton, has put together a family-friendly ride (see the map here) that will take place on Saturday, September 6th (edit: August 31) to highlight the upgrades and updates to bike lanes and greenways. Check out the Facebook event, and feel free to bring your kids along. He’ll be going over improvements that will help children biking to school from our neighborhood (featuring Glencoe Elementary, Franklin High School, and access to Grant High School), as well as other cool stuff happening in and around our ‘hood.

Congrats also go to Terry, who was featured on the SouthEast Uplift site for his outstanding contributions to the community, and for being an all-around amazing volunteer. Please join us in thanking Terry for all of his hard work!

One last update (for today!) is also from Terry (seriously, did we mention how much awesome work he does?):

If anyone in our neighborhood is interested, or has a background in parking management, there is a parking study grant that PBOT has won to help create a “tool box” of parking management tools. They are tasked to create series of “best practices” for parking management as our city grows. Since we are a neighborhood with two main corridors, both of which are undergoing or need modernization, a growing commercial district and a whole history of parking problems related to Providence it would be great to have a presence on the committee. I currently can not add another task to my repertoire, but I would encourage anyone who is interested to apply.”

If you’re interested, please feel free to go directly to the PBOT site to apply.


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