October Transportation News

October Transportation News

North Tabor Neighborhood Association’s October Transportation News from Terry Dublinski-Milton, your Transportation and Land Use Chair!

North Tabor-Montavilla Conductivity

Our goals are moving forward, even if the wheels of government move slowly. In October, the newly elected board of the North Tabor Neighborhood Association approved two very important documents. The first is a letter joining our support with Montavilla’s for a modernized section of Halsey between 67th and 74th. This redesign would include safe, curb tight bike lanes and a center turn lane to make pedestrian crossing easier. This would modernize the striping after repaving into a design that looks more like SE Division near SE 75th with an overpass that looks more like East Burnside and I-205 than what was there previously. It will drop speeds, increase safety and give residents in The Pocket access to the playground and neighborhoods to the north and east!

We also approved a residential greenway network to connect us with Montavilla to the east. Working with Lew, my cohort in Montavilla, our boards have cross endorsed the 80th street greenway, small improvements to the 70’s, finishing the Everett Greenway to Vestal Elementary and the 60’s greenway to Mount Tabor. The 60’s we approved last winter in our first comprehensive letter… then the city listened to us and added the project! If all of these projects are implemented with community support, there will be an integrated bikeway network with upgraded pedestrian crossings from the 60th MAX station, south to Division, and east all the way to the I-205 path. This network is anchored by PCC Southeast: our new full service community college, and includes connection to the public library at Division and 82nd. Combined with the newly finished 50’s bikeway and the Harrison Greenway, this network will safely service over 30,000 Portland residents.

There also has been an extension to the comment period on the Comprehensive Plan until March 13th 2015, so I encourage all of you to show your support for these projects that would help make our neighborhood one of the safest in the city!
Click through to the Comprehensive Plan map!

Thank you for your support!

Terry Dublinski-Milton

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