NTNA Sponsors Free Concerts at Mt. Tabor Park in July

The North Tabor Neighborhood Association is proud to sponsor Portland Park and Recreation’s free concerts at Mt. Tabor Park (SE 69th & Taylor St – Transit #15). The concerts happen every Tuesday in July.

Each concert starts at 6:30 pm. Attendees are encouraged to pack a picnic dinner or dine with onsite vendors, bring a blanket or chairs, and spend time with family and friends at a live concert performance.

Tuesday, July 5 World’s Finest (Americana, ska, and jam)
Tuesday, July 12 The Strange Tones (Surf tinged blues with a James Bond twist)
Tuesday, July 19 Ken DeRouchie Band (Muddy nominated blues)
Tuesday, July 26 Pure Vida (High energy salsa and timba)

For more information, visit the PPR website


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