The April/May issue of the North Tabor News is here. Featured content includes: Cleanup April 27 (page 1) Infill in North Tabor (page 1) Garden
Category: North Tabor News
Can you help North Tabor News?
Due to turnover of staff, additional volunteers are needed for all aspects of the North Tabor News, including advertising, editorial, production, and delivery. Several individuals
Is in-fill out of control?
The recent purchase by Portland City Homes of a lot on NE 57th containing an older wooden cottage and mature magnolia tree has alerted many
Volunteering for North Tabor News
Volunteering for North Tabor News is a great way to get more involved in North Tabor and the neighborhood association. Volunteers are especially needed for
Thank you for supporting North Tabor News
Thanks to everyone who made the current issue of the North Tabor News a reality, including: Debra Anderson, Katherine Anderson, Don Atwell, Melissa Bockwinkel, Joel