Land Use & Transportation

The Land Use & Transportation Committee is not currently active.  If you have interest in land use and transportation issues please contact  Other  organizations that may be active include:

Southeast Uplift (SEUL):

C.U.R.B.S. (Citizen’s United Rebuilding Burnside Safely) This committee meets irregularly and is focused on modernizing East Burnside for all modes of travel. It is designated as a High Crash Corridor by the city, but has yet to be modernized. At the neighborhood, city, and Metro level Burnside is designated as the highest classification of Bikeway as well as a pedestrian corridor. Plans are in the works to gain momentum for a new design that fits with Metro’s Regional Active Transportation plan and makes Burnside safe for all users.

S.R.T.S. (Safe Routes to Schools) As a neighborhood without a school, having safe routes to walk or bike to school and parks for our neighborhood is a very high priority, as told by our neighborhood visioning. Hence, we are working on creating a “radial network” of safe routes to schools based on the Davis-Everett Greenway, NE 41st, 53rd and 62nd. As part of this network, we also are working on connecting east to Montavilla and south via 58th/57th to get to Mount Tabor Middle School (MTMS). The Portland Public School District has agreed to endorse a grant proposal for a crossing of Burnside side as part of their $4+ million of SRTS money from the school rebuilding bond. If you would like to help with this grant proposal, we want you!

T.W.G. (Transportation Working Group) of the P.G.N.A. (Providence Good Neighbor Agreement) is a working group that reports to the Providence GNA made up of representatives of Laurelhurst, North Tabor and Providence Hospital. Currently we are working on improving pedestrian, bike and Tri-met access to the hospital in an attempt to limit the number of Single Occupancy Vehicles coming through our neighborhood, while increasing our livability at the same time. If interested, these meeting are held monthly. Would you like to see the 19 move to frequent service?


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