50s bikeway construction postponed until Feb 2014

50s bikeway construction postponed until Feb 2014

Installation of a new signal at 53rd and Burnside
Installation of a new signal at 53rd and Burnside
The start of construction on the NE/SE Bikeway will be delayed until early next year.

The bikeways project went out to bid in June, with the bid opening on July 9. Unfortunately the two bids received were significantly above the project’s construction contract estimate. The low number of bidders and the high bids received strongly indicates that the construction market has recently reached saturation. Instead of further reducing the scope of the project, Portland Bureau of Transportation has decided to re-bid the project in November. This means construction is now anticipated to begin in Febrauary of 2014, with completion more dependent on when the weather conditions allow for the striping work in later Spring. The delay in communicating about this has been related to the process for formally rejecting the bids, which requires several internal approvals and formal notification to the contractors before notifying the community of the change in schedule.

Contact Rich Newlands, Project Management Division, Portland Bureau of Transportation with any questions ((503) 823-7780 or rich.newlands@portlandoregon.gov).


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