Minutes from NTNA Land Use & Transportation Committee (1/7/2014)

Minutes from NTNA Land Use & Transportation Committee (1/7/2014)

North Tabor Land Use and Transportation Committee
Meeting Minutes
January 7th, 2014, Fred Meyer Starbucks, 6:30-8pm
Attendees: Beth, Cary, Dana, Greg, John, Terry.

1) Introductions and Review Agenda

2) 50’s Bikeway Update
Discussion: Terry reported that he has been in contact with Portland Bureau of Transportation about the progress of planning the 50’s Bikeway crossing at Burnside. One reason the project has been delayed is because part of the project bid includes a crossing hawk light that is very expensive. Terry suggested that NTNA may want to examine how a less expensive project including a pedestrian island and a painted crosswalk with a flashing beacon could achieve similar goals at significant less cost IF combined with a Burnside road reconfiguration and propose this as an alternative to PBOT if the HAWK comes in over bid for a third time.
Action Items: The group supported Terry suggesting this alternative to PBOT in future correspondence if needed.

3) The SW corner of 58th and Glisan
Discussion: As part of the Providence GNA transportation work group, Terry asked for input from the group on whether on the southbound side of 58th and Glisan, access for cars should be completely blocked to prevent cut-throughs or should the curb be pushed in to narrow the wide street entrance.
Action Item: The group supported pushing in the curb to the standard width, and this is what Terry will recommend to the Providence GNA Transportation Work Group.

4) Oregon Sidewalk Grant Update/MAX stop study and the 63rd/62nd crossing
Discussion: Beth reported that work was begun on a grant request for sidewalks on Oregon Street, east of 60th Ave, and asked the group if this application should still be pursued given that there are other long term projects where the neighborhood can give input on improving the area around the 60th Ave MAX station.
Action Items:
· Terry will take the lead on completing the sidewalk grant application in the next few months and will share tasks on this with other subcommittee members via email.
· Beth will draft a letter to bring to the NTNA board for approval, which will show support for prioritizing funding for 60th Ave MAX station improvement project, as part of Metro’s Regional Active Transportation Plan process.

5) Glisan Road Diet Update
Discussion: Terry has been in touch with PBOT staff about the recent lane reduction/parking added to Glisan Street (“Road Diet”). In his correspondence he learned that a crosswalk had been approved to be built around Glisan and 65th Ave near Fred Meyer. Terry asked for input on what he should be relaying to PBOT in terms of location.
Action Items: In future correspondence with PBOT, Terry will express support for placing a crosswalk at 65th/Glisan, with a recommendation to work with Fred Meyer on identifying the safest placement of the crossing due to traffic issues in the store parking lot. He will also cite support for a future crosswalk to be placed at 62nd Ave as part of a long term greenway alignment from Oregon Street south to Mount Tabor Park.

6) Comprehensive Plan Draft Letter
Discussion: In response to proposed zoning changes impacting North Tabor via the Comprehensive Plan, Beth and Terry have been drafting a letter to present to the NTNA board for approval/support to submit to the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability. The letter will: express support for mixed use zoning near Glisan/60th Ave yet request that commercial zoning on Burnside be equally evaluated for rezoning; propose that more density be zoned for the area near and on Glisan from 60th Ave north toward I-84 to support mixed use development near the 60th Ave MAX station west to the Hospital; and that although more density is supported, the neighborhood wants transportation related improvements to accompany increased growth – to avoid what happened in East Portland where high density without transportation improvements has caused a large number of pedestrian deaths. The group discussed coordinating outreach to local businesses to sign on to the letter if it is approved by the NTNA board.
Action Items: Beth will develop a 3rd draft of the letter and send it out to the subcommittee for feedback, then present it to the NTNA board for approval on 1/21.

7) Burnside safety information update/recommendations
Discussion: Terry has been reaching out to both city staff at PBOT and other neighborhood associations about what to do with making Burnside safer. He will be attending Montavilla’s NA Janauary meeting to hear their perspective on the topic. He has received information from PBOT that East of 47th along Burnside, it is possible to do some sort of “road diet.” Terry has determined that more could be done while still aligning with Metro’s Regional ATP (Active Transportation Plan), including narrowing Burnside to one lane east of 47th and requesting a long term circulation study in the area around 47th/Burnside/Glisan/Coe Circle.
Action Steps: Terry will write up a concept on the safety situation on Burnside with some proposed ideas for PBOT, and start sharing these ideas with the subcommittee and other stakeholders to get input. This includes setting up a stakeholders committee for those with interest. He also will contact the Burnside High Crash Corridor program to give a presentation during our February neighborhood association meeting.

Next NTNA Land Use/Transportation Meeting: Tuesday, February 4th, 6:30-8pm, Fred Meyer Starbucks.


One thought on “Minutes from NTNA Land Use & Transportation Committee (1/7/2014)

  1. Great job folks! Let me know if I can help in some way. I am VERY interested in adding sidewalks to Oregon Street!

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