NTNA Land Use and Transportation Meeting minutes: May 6, 2014

NTNA Land Use and Transportation Meeting minutes: May 6, 2014

North Tabor Neighborhood Association Land Use and Transportation Subcommittee Meeting Minutes May 6th, 2014, Fred Meyer Starbucks, 6:30-8pm

Attendees: Beth, Terry

1) Introductions and Review Agenda

2) Discuss possibilities of supporting inclusionary zoning on the statewide level on behalf of NTNA (Beth, 20 min)

Action items: Beth will research current state laws that relate to inclusionary zoning, develop a draft letter of support, bring to next LUT and/or NTNA Board meeting.

3) Outreach to North Tabor residents regarding potential rezoning on Burnside/Glisan and for community engagement (Beth, Michael, 20 min)

Action items: none

4) Discuss scope of writing another letter on behalf of NTNA and/or other neighborhood associations regarding the comprehensive plan (Beth, 20 min)

Action items: Beth will research and draft a second letter that expresses North Tabor support for additional comprehensive plan updates (focusing on the area near “the pocket” and the NE 60th Ave MAX station) and bring letter to the NTNA board for guidance on neighborhood outreach/support.

5) General land use and transportation updates (All, 25 min)

Next LU/T Meeting: Tuesday, June 3rd, 6:30-8pm, Fred Meyer Starbucks


2 thoughts on “NTNA Land Use and Transportation Meeting minutes: May 6, 2014

  1. All states but Oregon and Texas has Inclusionary Zoning. It is where the city can force developers to “include” certain items if they are going to build a higher density development. Such as: low income/workforce/affordable housing or a certain number of “family sized” units. Right now, all we can direct them on is how many units and other structural concerns: we as a city or neighborhood can not regulate what type of housing, only fire, safety and environmental issues (state regulated).

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