Update on pedestrian crossing at 53rd and Burnside

Though the project end date has already passed, we haven’t seen the new HAWK beacon crossing hardware installed on E Burnside and 53rd (though the bike lane and updated curbs look great!). Land Use & Transportation chair Terry Dublinski-Milton reached out to PBOT for an update, and this is what he received back:

  • “There is a hold-up on finishing construction [at 53rd and East Burnside]- the contractor has had supply problems with some the signal equipment. The contract end date passed last week. We are trying to engineer an equipment swap from the Bureau of Maintenance to help them out and get the work finished as soon as possible- guessing another 2 weeks.”

So we should still see completion of this project soon. Enjoy the updated access across Burnside! We can’t wait to see more of these crossings to help connect North Tabor residents with schools, parks, and businesses to the neighborhoods south of us.


One thought on “Update on pedestrian crossing at 53rd and Burnside

  1. I happened to be biking south on 53rd during rush hour recently and saw that 53rd was clogged with automobile traffic, not bikes; they were speeding, and when I got to Burnside where the clog was the worst I witnessed the stupidest car trick ever: A driver made an illegal left turn onto 53rd from Burnside and pulled over into the northbound bike lane to make a right into the parking lot adjacent to 53rd and proceeded to turn around and exit back onto Burnside going west. This maneuver blocked my way and when I waved at the driver to draw his attention to the illegality of what he was doing he ignored me.

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