North Tabor’s Oct. 17 annual meeting: Board elections and Mayor Wheeler

North Tabor’s Oct. 17 annual meeting: Board elections and Mayor Wheeler

North Tabor Neighborhood Association’s annual meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 17 at 4837 NE Couch, Community of Christ Church. The regular NTNA business meeting will be at 6:30pm and Mayor Wheeler will speak at 7. Following a break, board elections will be held at 8pm.

North Tabor Neighborhood Association members will have preference for admission and seating.

Board positions are one year and all positions are up for election. As outlined in the bylaws, election to the Board requires membership in the neighborhood association, attending monthly neighborhood association meetings and ongoing participation and oversight of neighborhood association business including occasional special and emergency meetings, as well as work on areas of interest including working on activities such as recycling events (Saturday, April 28) and National Night Out, communications, land use, emergency preparedness, and Neighborhood Watch.
If you are interested in serving on the Board, please come prepared to make a brief introduction, up to two minutes long.
To find out more about serving on the board, send an email to or leave a message at 503-928-4655.

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