Social Media Code of Conduct

North Tabor Neighborhood Association Social Media Code of Conduct

Our social media presence continues to grow and acts as an important medium to communicate with others in the North Tabor neighborhood. Through the group we communicate with others that we both do and do not know personally, and with those whose opinions we may or may not agree. To this end, the below code of conduct has been created as a way to guide our interactions while participating in the North Tabor Neighborhood Association Social Media presences.

Respectful behavior: Please avoid personal attacks (hostile, derogatory or deliberately insulting comments toward a specific individual or group), slurs, and profanity in your interactions. Refrain from racist and/or sexist comments and attacks. Treat one another with civility and respect. Comments deemed inappropriate for any of these reasons may be deleted by administrators.

We understand that some topics can be emotionally charged. We have many people in this group, with nearly as many viewpoints, and no one likes having their viewpoint insulted or sullied. Please consider how others will view/react to your posts before clicking “Share”.

Be truthful. If your posting reflects a best guess or simply an opinion on a topic, please state this in posting or comment.

Relevance and Overposting: We have many people in our community, and people join our group to engage in discussions and receive information that pertains specifically to North Tabor. Our aim is to keep discussions relevant. City-wide issues or topics from neighboring communities (ex: fluoride in Portland drinking water or the water reservoirs at Mount Tabor) are welcome. Please read through recent posts to ensure your question or topic is not currently active or recently answered before posting.

Please ensure that your comments are relevant to the subject at hand. It is normal for some topics to drift from the stated subject. However, to ensure maximum benefit for everyone, we encourage you to keep your post as close to the subject as possible. As necessary, participants may need to begin a new discussion posting. This allows others to only follow topics of their interest.

Please do not treat the North Tabor Neighborhood Association Social Media presences as your own personal page or a marketplace. We ask that you do not repost a personal topic (ex: for personal business, event, etc.) more than twice per month.

Protect Yourself: Please avoid posting any personal information on our social media presences, including your email address, phone number, mailing address or other personal information about yourself, that you would not share publicly.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed by members of our social media presences do not directly reflect or represent the opinions or positions of the North Tabor Neighborhood Association, its Board of Directors or individual Board members. Information provided by group members has not been verified in all cases. Administrators reserve the right to remove posts or block users with repeat offenses against the code of conduct and at their discretion.


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