North Tabor Land Use/Transportation Agenda: May 5th

Photo by Jeffrey Yen
Photo by Jeffrey Yen

North Tabor NA Transportation and Land Use Committee….Let us Talk PARKS!

May 5th, 6:30 to 8:00 PM, New Heights Physical Therapy (enter at the side door by the parking space on 57th)

1) Shogren House Update: A De-breifing on the Historical Landmarks Commission Hearing on May 4th (10 minutes MAX)

2) Rosemont Bluff: Let us build a Master Plan! The park’s department does not fund improvements without planning, so we need to create a master plan to get ourselves off and running! Ted will bring some materials to start with. Look at the Westmoreland Natural Play area for inspiration

3) The North Tabor Promenade and NE Oregon:
We have approved the concept of turning NE Oregon from a sub-standard street for cars to a Promenade for People and Bikes. I will talk about preliminary issues surrounding this including:
Traffic/parking impacts, coordination between departments, how we go about getting this funded, and what is possible. We also will set up our goals for the “People Plaza Exploration Tour” on Saturday May 9th and creating a BROCHURE that we can use to advertise this concept to city officials, planners and neighbors.

4) A short discussion of other identified Micro-Park concepts and issues: 49th and Glisan/Flanders and 68th and Burnside time permitting


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