Update from Land Use

Land Use Committee Status Report
January 15, 2013

Meeting Date: January 9, 2013

Attendees: Nicole Davenport, Alison Gavine, Zach Michaud, Gail Morris, Melissa Bockwinkel

Land Use Notices:
1. 225 NE 65th Ave- adding Kitchen to a converted studio garage to make it a living unit. Asking for reduction of the 5 ft. setback requirement for ADU. We do not recommend any action, but we acknowledge that the property has had a history of complaints regarding the use of the additional unit and the main house, but none have been voiced since the property came under new ownership in July 2012.
2. Providence- December request to extend the deadline for completing landscaping and resurfacing in the ambulatory services and east plaza parking areas until 2013. Original deadline was in fall 2009, extended to August 2012, and asking for additional extension to September 2013. Land Use Committee recommends no action, but Zach has the documents to discuss at the next Providence good neighbor meeting.
3. 5607 SE Oak- Proposed single family residential structure. The property is actually in the Mount Tabor neighborhood, but is in zone R7 and closely boarders our neighborhood boundary. The committee recommends no action.

Liquor License Requests:
1. UFO Pizza, 6024 NE Glisan- Requesting an off-premises sales permit to allow customers to take unopened alcoholic beverages to go. The committee recommends no action.

Additional Items Discussed:
1. The Land Use Committee will meet every 2nd Wednesday at the Crime Prevention Hub at 4747 E Burnside, and will coordinate meetings with Katherine Anderson the SE Crime Prevention Coordinator.
2. Increased Outreach and Information Efforts
a. Posting Land Use Notice summaries to North Tabor Website and Everyblock.com
b. Using Facebook and North Tabor Website for survey distribution and neighborhood feedback.
c. Zach will contact Rich and Sara concerning bike paths, as well as a list of people he knows to be interested in transportation issues.
3. Additional Land Use Issues Identified:
a. Carolina Apartments at 55th and Burnside- safety and maintenance. Consider good neighbor agreement
b. Pedestrian crossing at 63rd and Glisan. Contact Matt Wickstrom at PBOT to discuss its progress and ask him to attend the next meeting.
c. Providence Parking in our neighborhood→ look for a response
d. Access to legal advice for neighborhoods

Next Meeting: February 13, 2013. Larger discussion will focus on transportation issues, and hopefully will include more neighborhood participants from this month’s outreach efforts.

Land Use Committee Meeting
January 9, 2013

I. Introductions

II. Land Use Notices
a. 225 NE 65th Ave

III. Liquor License Application Notices
a. UFO Pizza- 6024 NE Glisan

IV. Discussion
a. Meeting time- 2nd Wednesdays every month?
b. Land Use Issues In Our Neighborhood
c. Land Use Issue Outreach: how would we like to approach issues as well as involve the public
d. Subcommittees
e. Designation of roles of participants and goals for next meeting


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