Update from SEUL

Status Update – SEUL Representative
Last SEUL Meeting: Monday, January 7th 2013
Zach is the official representative
Melissa will act as the alternate when necessary

1. Rhys Scholes proposed a Schools Committee that would bring neighborhood associations and groups like the PTA together to better coordinate needs/desires of the communities. Issues: neighbors wanting access to school grounds for meetings and similar, neighbors having a say in whether a school is closed or not, adapting schools to needs of neighborhoods. Board recommended a presentation from a neighborhood coalition where this is already successful – Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. or Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods.

2. SAVE THE DATE: 2013 Neighborhood Small Grant Celebration. Tuesday, February 12th, 2013; 6:30-8:00pm; Location TBD; Dessert Bar and Refreshments Served. Learn about the projects that got funding and build community partnerships.

3. SEUL losing a full-time employee due to expected 10% across the board budget cuts. Please cut them some slack in the upcoming year.

4. SEUL’s insurance cracking down on voting criteria in neighborhoods. We are compliant, but may need to address wording in our bylaws. I (Zach) have a helpful handout but I (Melissa) can speak to this as well.


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