Board Elections & Metro Councilor Bob Stacey: October 16, 6:30pm, 4837 NE Couch

Board Elections & Metro Councilor Bob Stacey: October 16, 6:30pm, 4837 NE Couch

North Tabor Neighborhood Association will hold Board Elections at its October meeting on Tuesday, October 16, 6:30pm, at 4837 NE Couch, Community of Christ Church. The meeting will also feature Metro Councilor Bob Stacey speaking on affordable housing measures on the November ballot, Oregon Measure 102 and Metro Measure 26-199. Councilor Stacey will speak on why we need a constitutional amendment; who will build and manage the housing; impact on property taxes; where the housing will be built; and who will be eligible to live in the housing.

Measure 102 amends the Oregon Constitution to allow local bonds for financing affordable housing with nongovernmental entities, subject to voter approval and annual audits. Measure 26-199 is a regional bond to fund affordable housing in Multnomah, Clackamas and Washington counties.

At this meeting, neighbors will be able to run to be a part of the North Tabor Neighborhood Association board; vote for board members; and sign up for neighborhood committees including land use & transportation, emergency preparedness, annual cleanup, street tree inventory, outreach, and Providence Good Neighbor Agreement.


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