Thanks to some citizen involvement and some quick work by PBOT, we have some new stop signs at the intersection of NE 63rd Ave. and
Author: Devlyn Keith
RESCHEDULED – North Tabor Land Use/Transportation Agenda: Sept 9th meeting
[Edit] Please note that this T&LU meeting has been rescheduled to Tuesday, September 9th. The NTNA Transportation and Land Use meeting for September will take place
Weed warriors work at Mt. Tabor
Thanks to the 48 (!!) amazing volunteers who worked with the Friends of Mt. Tabor Park last month, there are fewer invasive weeds wreaking havoc
Annual neighborhood/Providence meeting set
The annual meeting of the North Tabor and Laurelhurst Neighborhood Associations and Providence Portland Medical Center is scheduled for 7 – 8 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 28 in the Social Room
Ride around the neighborhood and other updates
Our Land Use and Transportation chair, Terry Dublinski-Milton, has put together a family-friendly ride (see the map here) that will take place on Saturday,